Amphitheatre | Emergence Procession

N a v a j o    N a t i o n      Capitol Studio       
A student-driven project aimed at re-designing the Navajo Nation Government Center in Window Rock
by Kimberly Silentman  ASU Planning Student            Click on  Link

Strawbale Hogans
Building with Wheat Straw and other sustainable strategies
Read Link
My contribution to a 2nd Edition book on Straw Bale Construction

'Aboriginal Architecture '- L i v i n g   A r c h i t e c t u r e
A historical and contemporary film documentary on Native American architecture
coming Spring 2005
read brief


Proposed Legislative Office & Multipurpose Facility, The Navajo Nation Government Window Rock, AZ - Senior Capstone Project ; School of Architecture, University of Arizona  
Presentation: July 17,2001 The  Navajo Nation, Window Rock AZ

Link to  Senior Capstone Project 2001

Ritual Spaces - Navajo and Hopi - Link to Content
The Navajo Nation Council Chambers,  Window Rock

'Breaking Tradition - The Federally-Built Landscape of the Navajo Nation' by Candi Helms - Link to Article
CityScape C u l t u r e - Genus Loci of Tucson by rkbjr.
Link to Contents


A Ph.D documentary on Navajo culture, people, & social conditions.  Mr. Alex Mitham, Ph.D. Candidate from Keele University in England has grounded his interest with the Navajo by stepping within the four sacred mountains to acquire and view first hand Navajo History.  

Apparently, literature is obsolete regarding current Navajo information at Alex's place of education.  With his detailed account, a compelling description of Navajo oral history, political structure , and architecture will be presented as his Doctoral Thesis. His publication will be an asset to both his institution and the Navajo Nation

My contribution with Alex occurred on April 8, 2000 in Window Rock.  

Contact Me: Richard     updated: Feb. 1, 2004             b o o k  sign my book

1999-2004 copyright Richard K. Begay Jr. Navajo Architecture Concepts & Design.  All other
images have been used by permission.

below are sites that i enjoy...visit them...

    a fellow UA alum...does much for Native America.
ed little jr's arizona photo - very cool
    awesome pictures -both the biologic and geologic
ethnic de generation - muzic!
    These guys rock my roll & roll my rock
    If you dig good hard rock...catch this band!
Karletta Chief's website on the Navajo Language